Aktiviteter Hydrologidagarna

Hydrologidarna 2020 flyttas

På grund av corona pandemin beslutade konferensarrangörerna att flytta nästa Hydrologidagarna preliminärt till hösten 2020. Vi beklagar om detta ställer till det i er planering men hoppas att vi syns till hösten istället. Vi återkommer med info så snart ett nytt datum är bestämt.

Observera att årsmötet hålls på distans samma dag och tid som ursprungligen var tänkt (dvs 23 april kl.15.30-17.00).

Examensarbete Hydrologidagarna

Awards for the “Best student thesis in hydrology 2016”

For the first time in its history SHR awarded two students for their outstanding Bachelor-/ Master thesis in hydrology. Each student received a stipend of 7 500 kr and was invited to the price ceremony held at the Hydrologidagarna 2017 conference in Gothenburg.

An independent jury selected Bettina Matti as winner for the best thesis at the Master level. Her thesis was chosen for being highly relevant, interesting, and very well written. The Jury was also very impressed by the fact that the thesis was published in Journal of Hydrology. Matti’s work (“On the variability of cold region flooding”) exemplifies the complexity of hydrological systems as they interact with landscapes and demonstrates how statistical modelling of extremes can be used to explore the combined impacts of climate and setting.

Picture from the price ceremony: Josefin Tiedermann from Stockholm University (left) receives the diploma for the best Bachelor student thesis from SHR representatives Emil Vikberg and Arvid Bring.
Josefin Tiedermann from Stockholm University (left) receives the diploma for the best Bachelor student thesis from SHR representatives Emil Vikberg and Arvid Bring.

The price for the best thesis at the Bachelor level was awarded to Josefin Tiedermann as her thesis (“Brunnsvikens vattendynamik”) presents an impressive amount of very well done field work and analyses, was well written and illustrated and discusses a highly relevant topic.