
Hydrologidagarna 2017: Call for abstracts and preregistration

The Hydrology Days 2017 will take place at the Earth Sciences Centre, Gothenburg University on March 16 & 17. “Urban Hydrology” will be the main topic but other water related contributions are also welcome.

Pre-registrations: https://sunet.artologik.net/gu/Survey/1473

Abstract submission*  as email to: roland.barthel {at} gvc.gu.se
*(until 23/2 and max. 500 words,)

More information and preliminary program: hydrologidagar-2017-call-for-abstracts-final

Financial support: SHR will support 10 Ph.D. students (or postdocs) with up to 1000 kr for travel and accommodation. To obtain this support, applicants have to:

  • Pre‐register for the conference (Support will be provided for the first 10 applicants to submit the pre‐registration).
  • Participate in the conference and present a paper (poster or oral).



Hydrologidagarna 2016

Hydrologidagarna 2016 will take place 16-17 March at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Ultuna Campus in Uppsala. The theme is:
“Hydrology affects habitats – now and in the future with excesses and deficits of water”.
For programme, please follow the link Program Hydrologidagarna 2016.
We will focus on the expected hydrological changes and their effects in a future climate, with an increased frequency of both droughts and flooding. We welcome contributions from a broad spectrum of topics: hydrology, wetlands, urban systems, ecology, etc.
Hydrologidagarna are arranged by the Swedish University of Agricultural Science and the Swedish Hydrology Council (SHR) in collaboration with the Centre for Natural Disaster Sciences and Uppsala Water Centre.
Hydrologidagarna serve as a platform for meetings between students, senior researchers, authorities, consults and stakeholders. We offer possibilities for both oral and poster presentations, and we especially encourage students to present their research. Both Swedish and English are accepted languages. All oral presentations are given 25 minutes each, including approximately 5 minutes for questions. So please prepare a presentation of approximately 20 minutes.
We no longer accept abstracts, but registration is open until 8th of March.
Hydrologidagarna is free of charge for all participants. Thanks to Uppsala Water Centre, all meals are now free of charge! This includes lunch and dinner on the 16th and lunch on the 17th. Please also note that PhD-students may reimburse expenses for travelling and accommodation up to 1000 SEK from SHR. The first 10 students to register are guaranteed this financial support.
The venue is Sal L in Undervisningshuset, Campus Ultuna. The street address is Almas Allé 8. If you arrive by train, take bus 1 or 100 from stop B at the central station, and get off at stop “Campus Ultuna”.
For accommodation we refer to http://www.destinationuppsala.se/sv/Bo/
For registration, e-mail to hydrologidagarna2016@gmail.com


