Hydrologidagarna Okategoriserade

Hydrologidagarna digitalt 6 oktober 2021

On October 6, 2021 the Hydrologidagarna (HD) will take place between 9.00 and 15.30 on zoom (ONLINE). The theme of this year HD is following this year theme of the World Water Day; “The value of water”. The HD will be followed by a meeting of the Swedish Hydrological Council members (15.30-17.00) on the same day.  

The value of water is a question combining the broad spectrum of water from bio(eco)logical, physical and chemical, social and political point of view and we invite contributions from all those and other aspects.

The format of this year’s HD will be somewhat different to a classic online symposium format but rather focused on interactions and discussions in a virtual conference space (e.g. Wonderspace) and thus we invite everybody to share their thoughts and ideas. During the day we will have invited plenary oral speakers (to be announced later) and parallel sessions with poster or three-slide presentations. We warmly invite and encourage all SHR member organizations to present their work, from best Master thesis, ongoing PhD work up to senior scientists, related to this year’s theme in poster or three-slide format.

The HD are a great opportunity to inform about ongoing projects, cooperation or your organization’s structures and missions. Do not miss the opportunity to connect with SHR and its members! Non-member organizations are welcome to participate and encouraged to join the SHR in 2021! 

If you want to participate, please send an e-mail to svenskahydrologiskaradet@gmail.com and provide information about your presentation, including title, name of presenter and authors, affiliation, and language (English or Swedish), no later than 1 October, 2021. No registration needed!

We hope to see many of you and looking forward to inspiring talks and discussions.



Hydrologidagarna online 12 november

The recording from the online webinar can be found in the link here. We had about 50 participants, six exciting presentations followed by interesting discussion. Thank to all who participated and contributed to this year of SHR! We will be in touch next year. 

Some links that were shared during the HD2020 in the chat:

https://viss.lansstyrelsen.se/ReferenceLibrary/55036/Metod%20f%C3%B6r%20p%C3%A5verkanstypen%20diffusa%20k%C3%A4llor%20Jordbruk.pdf (report on modeling of agriculture measures, shared by Niklas Holmgren)

https://arcg.is/0nfOan (William Lidberg soil moisture map info)

https://edu-exchange.uzh.ch/courses/course-v1:UZH+Hydro101open+2020/about (short films and questions about hydrology teaching during the pandemic, shared by Jan Seibert)



Please join us at the webinar Hydrologidagarna 2020 – Water management in a changing climate this Thursday November 12, between 9 am and 13.00. Please note that the conference is held as a webinar with link below and in order for you to enter this webinar, you need to register according the instructions below. Even if you want to join only for one talk, you need to do the registration IN ADVANCE of the webinar. After registering, you should get an invitation with the link to join.

Hope to see many of you on Thursday!

Register in advance for this webinar:


Or an H.323/SIP room system:

    H.323: or

    Meeting ID: 621 6627 1937

    Passcode: 107008

    SIP: 62166271937@ or 62166271937@

    Passcode: 107008

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.



9:00-9:10: Webinar opening and introduction of the SHR board (in English) – L. Kuglerová, chair of SHR, SLU, Umeå

9:10-9:35 – How tree species, size and topographical location influenced tree transpiration in northern boreal forests during the historic 2018 drought (in English) – Jose Gutierrez Lopez, SLU Umeå

9:40-10:05 – Drought and Water scarcity plan for South Baltic Drainage basin, Sweden (in Swedish) – Niklas Holmgren, South Baltic water Authority

10:10-10:35: Modelling environmental flows and climate change in river catchments regulated for hydroelectric production in Sweden (in Swedish) – Åsa Widén, Umeå University

10:35-10:50: Coffee break + discussion/questions

10:50 – 11.15: Wetlands as Nature-based solutions under the implementation of the Water Framework Directive in Sweden, study case: Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea (in English) – Julián Andrés García Murcia (Fernando Jaramillo and Sofia Wikström), Stockholm University

11:20 – 11:45: Contrasting hydrological processes in the forest and how to use them for optimizing forest management (In English), Stefan Ploum (Lenka Kuglerova, Jason Leach, Hjalmar Laudon), SLU Umeå

11:50-12:15 New soil moisture maps for Sweden (in English) – Anneli Ågren and William Lidberg, SLU (Umeå)

12:20-12:30 results of the survey on teaching hydrology online (in English) – Benjamin Fischer, Uppsala University and final words

12:30-13.00: Discussion and final words