Aktiviteter Hydrologidagarna

Hydrologidagarna: November 2020 i Umeå

On November 12, 2020 the Hydrologidagarna (HD) will take place at SLU Umeå, preliminarily between 9.00 and 15.30 in Björken conference hall. The theme of this year HD is “Water management in a changing climate”. The HD will be followed by a meeting of the Swedish Hydrological Council members (15.30-17.00) on the same day.  For now we plan for both alternatives – in-person meeting, or online meeting

Please register using the following link: http://hydrologi.org/hydrologidagarna/registreringen-till-hydrologidarna-2020-ar-nu-oppen/.

Please click here to submit information about your presentation, including Title, name of presenter and authors, affiliation, and type of presentation (oral vs. poster), no later than September 30th 2020. This year, we will have the possibility of joining remotely so please indicate whether you wish to present in person or online.

Presenters (either poster or oral) will have the possibility to apply for financial travel support from SHR, students and travellers with low carbon footprint will be given priority. Language of the talks can be either English or Swedish.

We warmly invite and encourage all SHR member organizations to present their work related to this year theme in oral or poster presentations. The HD are a great opportunity to inform about ongoing projects, cooperation or your organization’s structures and missions. Do not miss the opportunity to connect with SHR and its members! Non-member organizations are welcome to participate and encouraged to join the SHR in 2020! 

We hope to see many of you and looking forward to inspiring talks and discussions.